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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Veena Malik Says Never left India And Not a Publicity Stunt

Veena Malik Is Not A Publicity Stunt

Polemical Asian actress Veena Malik, whose sharp 'disappearance' became a divulge of the town, said it was not a substance stunt and that she was honorable resting in a hotel, as she was not responsibility cured.

"This was not a packaging stunt. A individual cannot do two such (publicity) book in 15 days," the actress said.

Few days ago, a mortal depict of Veena, fair an ISI tattoo on the apparel of the FHM depot had caused much ire. Notwithstanding, Veena had denied posing soul for the publication.

Shadowing this, there were reports that she has been receiving dying threats.
Veena, who went 'missing' since December 16 from the sets of her upcoming take City 125 kilometres, was institute at a suburban hotel in Bombay yesterday.

Her administrator's claims that she had gone wanting without informing anyone, had created a hullabaloo.

There were also reports that she had sinistral for Pakistan as her root had disowned her after her person impression and that her visa was to discontinue.

Nevertheless, the actress said it was due to the abundant propulsion hours and no breaks between her excavation schedule, that she had fallen ill.

"When I got to eff that the sprout is over, I called up a turn person of mine to deciding me up from the sets. I had purloined anti-biotics and so was sleeping for nigh 20-24 hours," she said.

She denatured her hotel to Oakwood and also also kept her peregrine phone off during the total point so I was not competent to junction her. She was achievement through specified a difficult indication after all those controversies (correlative to her someone photo insert FHM publisher) that she cerebration of rejuvenating herself," he said.

"This was not at all a message stunt as umpteen are expression. Group can't flatbottomed envisage her status. She is controlled from everyplace -- from her fellowship, the Pakistani government and the incorrupt personnel. This is why she content of obligation herself low wraps for both abstraction," he said.

Veena convex the lamp after she testified against her swain, Asiatic chapeau Muhammad Asif, alleging he was active in join preservation. She became common after her furnish in the quaternary mollify of realness guide Bigg Superior. She was denounced by Islamic clerics for her mortal photos in the FHM storehouse.
Shadowing the commanding zen of antibiotics, the actress said she slept and was dumfounded to fuck that everyone had been uncovering her since then.

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